Friday, May 9, 2008

Energy Self Sufficiency

The price of fuel is skyrocketing and obviously our useless and clueless leaders have no solutions which are either practical or economically feasible. Oil prices are being manipulated by the producer nations, oil cartels and commodity market speculators. Supplies are marginal, 2.2% increase in productivity and 1.6% increase in demand. Even though supplies are barely keeping up with real or perceived demand, the corporation use the price increase for the swing oil as the basis for increasing prices immediately. Most oil companies have their own source of oil production and their price is determined by long term contracts. Last year Exxon had a $40 billion profit. If they had a supply problem, they would be paying the higher commodity price and that would have resulted in a corresponding decrease in profits.
There have been no gas station closures in this country.


Dick said...

Devalution of the dollar has also increased the cost of oil. There has been no financial responsibility demonstrated on the part of the President or Congress. Inflation has run rampant and they don't even want to discuss self sufficiency for fear of offending the environmentalists. We have to start demanding that we again begin drilling for oil in this country. The Williston Basin (Bakken Field) in NE Montana and NW North Dakota can produce much of our needed oil supply. Adding a refinery will increase supply and jobs. Nuclear generation also has to be put back on the table. The advances in technology and waste disposal make nuclear energy a much safer and nonpolluting source of energy. Nuclear energy is also much more cost effective than coal or biodiesel generation. Ethanol fuel generation has had a negative impact on our food supply and is not as effective as oil. Archer, Daniel and Midland subsidies could be eliminated and the result would be lower food costs throughout the country and the world.
We can no longer accept useless ineffective solutions from our so-called leaders. The presidential candidates are offering political solutions and no practical or economically viable alternatives. Unfortunately, the promise of change is going to result in more of the same lack of leadership for the next four years. Our leaders have no direction, they no longer represent us and there doesn't seem to be an ounce of common sense among them. It's time for a change in the presidency and the Congress. Vote them out of office.

listen said...

Test comment

listen said...

The country has to start looking at environmentalists as a religious group. Global warming is a flawed theory accusing man of creating all the world's pollution, when in fact solar activity is the factor which most determines our weather conditions. Environmentalists pursue the cause of global warming with a religious fervor and blind faith that is based on little scientific fact.